Park Plaza® Hotels Promo Codes and Discounts

Park Plaza® Hotels Coupon Code:
Great Hotel Deals
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Park Plaza® Hotels: Great Hotel Deals
Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to view current specials and offers and book reservation. All deals and specials are updated in real-time.
Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to view current specials and offers and book reservation. All deals and specials are updated in real-time.
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Park Plaza® Hotels Coupon Code:
Book in Advance & Save up to 25% in city-centre hotels in Europe & Asia Pacific
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Park Plaza® Hotels: Book in Advance & Save up to 25% on your next stay at one of our stylish city-centre hotels in Europe & Asia Pacific. Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to book reservation.
Terms and Conditions
*Applicable in participating Europe hotels only.
- Earn Club Carlson Gold Points with this rate
- Subject to availability.
- Valid at participating hotels only.
- Advance booking period varies from 7 - 30 days in advance and qualifies for between 10 - 25% off Best Flexible Rate.
- Advance Saver Rate is for room only and excludes breakfast. Except participating hotels in Croatia offering Advance Saver Bed & Breakfast.
- Minimum payment of 1 night only is pre-payable and non-refundable. Select hotels require full pre-payment.
- Pre-payment element of one night is non-refundable but remaining nights are refundable
- Penalty applies to all cancellations.
- Rate includes Value Added Tax.
- Rate excludes city tax in The Netherlands, in Cologne and Dresden (Germany).
Terms and Conditions
*Applicable in participating Europe hotels only.
- Earn Club Carlson Gold Points with this rate
- Subject to availability.
- Valid at participating hotels only.
- Advance booking period varies from 7 - 30 days in advance and qualifies for between 10 - 25% off Best Flexible Rate.
- Advance Saver Rate is for room only and excludes breakfast. Except participating hotels in Croatia offering Advance Saver Bed & Breakfast.
- Minimum payment of 1 night only is pre-payable and non-refundable. Select hotels require full pre-payment.
- Pre-payment element of one night is non-refundable but remaining nights are refundable
- Penalty applies to all cancellations.
- Rate includes Value Added Tax.
- Rate excludes city tax in The Netherlands, in Cologne and Dresden (Germany).
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Park Plaza® Hotels Coupon Code:
Book in advance & save up to 20%
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Park Plaza® Hotels: Book in advance & save up to 20%
Book in advance & save with Park Plaza® Hotels & Resorts and art'otel® Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to book reservation and discount will automatically be applied.
Stay at any of the participating hotels and benefit from between a 5 - 20% discount off the Best Flexible Rate when you book a minimum of 3 - 21 days in advance.
Receive the following discounts:
» Up to 20% when booking a minimum of 21 days in advance
» Up to 15% when booking a minimum of 14 days in advance
» Up to 10% when booking a minimum of 3 days in advance
Book our Advance Purchase rate online at to benefit from the Best Online Rate guarantee, free Wi-Fi, and earn Gold Points® with this offer and enjoy free nights worldwide!
With smart, spirited service, Park Plaza hotels' trend-setting designs capture the energy and style of each individual location. Select the destination of your choice - see site for details.
Book in advance & save with Park Plaza® Hotels & Resorts and art'otel® Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to book reservation and discount will automatically be applied.
Stay at any of the participating hotels and benefit from between a 5 - 20% discount off the Best Flexible Rate when you book a minimum of 3 - 21 days in advance.
Receive the following discounts:
» Up to 20% when booking a minimum of 21 days in advance
» Up to 15% when booking a minimum of 14 days in advance
» Up to 10% when booking a minimum of 3 days in advance
Book our Advance Purchase rate online at to benefit from the Best Online Rate guarantee, free Wi-Fi, and earn Gold Points® with this offer and enjoy free nights worldwide!
With smart, spirited service, Park Plaza hotels' trend-setting designs capture the energy and style of each individual location. Select the destination of your choice - see site for details.
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