Protea Hoels Coupon Codes and Discounts

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A collection of African experiences. Tailored to you.
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Protea Hoels: A collection of African experiences. Tailored to you. Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to book reservations.
Close a business deal in Cape Town. Trail the Big Five in Kruger National Park. Whether Africa’s familiar or unchartered territory, we’ll show you the ropes—and a good time.
Browse Protea Hotels in Africa.
Rewards members can now earn, redeem and enjoy full Elite benefits at all 100+ participating Protea Hotels, Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! and African Pride Hotels in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, and Ghana, giving you even more places to experience Africa.
Close a business deal in Cape Town. Trail the Big Five in Kruger National Park. Whether Africa’s familiar or unchartered territory, we’ll show you the ropes—and a good time.
Browse Protea Hotels in Africa.
Rewards members can now earn, redeem and enjoy full Elite benefits at all 100+ participating Protea Hotels, Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! and African Pride Hotels in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, and Ghana, giving you even more places to experience Africa.
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